AC Transit Schedule - Bus Routes Are Arranged In 6 Categories

AC Transit Schedule

AC Transit Schedule operates 175 bus routes across the East Bay, including two lines as the Broadway transfer. While AC Transit administered Adumbration Express, transferred the operation of this service to NV Transportation December 19, 2011. Service emphasis connects 15 cities in Alameda and Contra Costa Militias and Santa Clara County. Translate service is planned for San Francisco, San Mateo County and Palo Alto AC Transit Schedule Santa Clara County.

AC Transit bus lines are grouped into six categories ( number five letters) . Since its inception in 1960, the number AC Transit and letters used to distinguish roads . Many rail lines Translate legacy system and become the main bus lines and AC Transit continued to use letters to identify routes . Many AC Transit Schedule roads Translate continues along the roads of original key system to some extent . Ranges of numbers and letters that follow do not mean that all numbers or letters with a range of use. Numbered roads run in the East Bay:

1-99 serve mainly the northern part of Alameda County and throughout Contra Costa County .
200-299 serve the southern part of Alameda County and Militias. AC Transit Schedule 300-399 combined use other portions of the bus lines , usually only at certain times of the day or certain days of the week. 600 and 699 operate only on school days . 800-899 are part of the network Unit Balance , which provides bus service during the hours of owl, and at a time when BART does not work. A route numbers and two AC Transit Schedule numbers are sometimes used as a number of "basis" for the route numbers of three digits. For example, the 339 road is "based" on Highway 39.

Routes with letters (A to Z ) offer Translate Service ( ii service by a bridge ) between the East Bay and San Francisco, AC Transit Schedule San Mateo and Santa Clara.

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